Finished reading 'The Ninth Life of Louis Drax' by Liz Jenson. Very good! I really enjoyed it, especially the parts from the viewpoint of the boy. The parts about the man with his face in bandage was very good. Although the outcome was hinted at, I guessed some of the twists but not each one.
I think it is clever to use the two view points so that you can use adult language and description. She did this by using the psychologist and the boys point of ivew. Sometimes you started off reading the psychologists and thought it was the boys and then realised.
Louis Drax had a very distinctive voice that she pulled off really well. I think I will try and read more of her stuff.
I have decieded to write more short stories. I am going to also try to use my own experiences and draw on things that have happened in the past to help me with this. I began today and wrote a short story about a girl who makes hoax calls to the firebrigade. This is based on a story about a girl who did do this from the past, not someone I knew particually well but something which was a bit surprising when you heard that she had been doing it.
I have finished it in rough and just need to write it up now. I intend to read a lot more books and have discovered the library and I have been enjoying the few free bits of time that I have got to write now that the children have started school. The baby I'm looking after will only be here for 3 days a week so the other two I intend to make the most of the time to do some writing. It is the only chance and maybe the last chance I'll have to get some good time to myself. So far so good. One story down. Many more to follow. At least I hope so. I need a few good ones if I am going to apply to do the MA as well. No pressure. Just keep writing.